By installing a self-consumtpion photovoltaic net-metering system, we can save a significant part of the electricity bill. The benefit of net metering can reach up to 95% of the electricity bill
Let’s take a closer look at the financial benefits of installing a net metering photovoltaic system.
We will first analyze the electricity bill, as it is particularly complex and most consumers do not know the relevant details.
Electricity bill in Greece
First of all, it should be mentioned that out of all the electricity bill charges listed in the bill, the charges mentioned in the MUNICIPAL CHARGES (Δήμος) and ERT (ΕΡΤ), which do not relate to charges related to electricity consumption, do not participate in the offsetting of Net Metering. Also, the charges related to fixed assets and power are not included.

. From the charges that refer to electricity consumption, we have the following:
- Charges that are offset between photovoltaic produced and consumed energy. This is the Electricity Supply Charge of the Provider (Χρεώσεις Προμήθειας) ①. This charge also includes the adjustment clause (ρήτρα αναπροσαρμογής)
- Charges borne by the consumer only for the energy absorbed by the grid. In essence, with photovoltaics, only the part of the energy that is used for own use (self-consumption) is saved. The optimal utilization of the photovoltaic in terms of these charges will be done when the produced energy is channeled for own use. This category includes energy charges for IPTO-HEDNO (ΑΔΜΗΕ-ΔΕΔΔΗΕ) ②, the Special Gaseous Emission Reduction Fee (ETMEAR-ΕΤΜΕΑΡ) ④, Other Charges (Λοιπές Χρεώσεις) ⑤ and Miscellaneous (Διάφορα) (EFK , Special Fee) ⑥.
- The Utility Charges (ΥΚΩ) ③ will charge the consumer for all the energy consumed, ie this charge remains the same.
Based on the above, the amounts of the account that can be saved by self-production are ①, ②. ④, ⑤ and ⑥.
The charges ②. ③, ④, and φέρονται are also referred to as Adjustable Charges and are the same for all providers. That is, the different providers compete by offering different prices only in the section of the Electicity Supply Charge
It is noted that the IPTO-HEDNO charges ② also contain a part of the charge that concerns the power consumption and which does not change with the installation of photovoltaics.
Profit from a photovoltaic Net metering
The first amount ① is the amount that is offsetting with Net Metering, so depending on the energy of the photovoltaic generated, this amount may be zeroed in the electricity bill. It is noted that the offsetting cycle is three years, ie any surplus of one month or one year is not lost but transferred to the next period, with a three-year validity.
From the amount of ②. ④, ⑤ and ται save the part of the amount corresponding to the produced energy of the photovoltaic which is led directly to the consumption.
The percentage that each of the above charges participates in the final amount of the electricity bill, depends on the tariff, the provider and the consumption. The adjustment clause that has recently entered our daily lives is included in section ① which is what has been increased in recent accounts.
For an average three-phase household consumer, the composition of the electricity bill before the increases in electricity prices made after the summer of 2021 and after the increases (taking into account the March 2022 adjustment clause) is as follows:
Charges | Percentage in bill rate until summer 2021 | Current ercentage in bill rate until summer 2022 (March 2022) |
Energy charges that offset ① | 62 % | 84 % |
Adjustable Charges – Section of energy ② + ④ + ⑤ + ⑥ | 24 % | 10 % |
ΥΚΩ ③ | 9 % | 4 % |
Part of power ② + Fixed assets | 5 % | 2 % |
Total | 100 % | 100 % |
From the above table the amounts of the account that can be saved by net metering are the first two. The first amount, corresponding to 62% of the account before the increases and 84% at current prices, is the amount that offsets
In the second amount, which corresponds to 24% of the bill before the increases and to 10% at current prices, we save the part that makes synchronization between photovoltaic production and consumption. For example, if we assume that half of our consumption comes from the photovoltaic system and half from the grid, then we will save an additional 12% before the increases and 5% at current prices.
So the goal of saving is:
- from 62% to 86% before the increases and
- from 84% to 94% with March 2022 prices.
The exact amount of savings depends on the self-consumption rate, ie the percentage of photovoltaic production that leads directly to demand.
Itis obvious that with a photovoltaic Net metering system, our profit is maximized after the increase of the electricity prices, making its installation even more profitable.