In order to install a PV Net-Metering system up to 10.8 kW, you should get a license from the grid company, ΔΕΔΔΗΕ (HEDNO). The application will be submitted by the one who has in his name the electricity bill.

Licesnsing procedure

The licensing procedure is as follows: 

  1. Make a payment through e-banking of the connection fee to HEDNO that is 370 + VAT = 458,80 €. In the payment the name and VAT of the applicant must be stated and in the reason of the deposit the word “ΦΒ” along with applicant address must be written (for example «ΦΒ Kamaria Evaggelismo Messinia).
  2. Online submission by us, to the relevant HEDNO electronic platform ( of the Connection Application, using the taxis codes of the applicant. During the submission of the application, the connection fee to HEDNO is pais. The connection fee is 370 €+ VAT = 458,80 €.
  3. HEDNO uploads in 15 days in HEDNO electronic platform the Connection Contract. The applicant must sign electronically the Connection Contract (using the government’s portal The signed contract is uploaded by us in the   HEDNO electronic platform.
  4. Apply to sign the Offsetting Contract to your electricity provider (PPC (ΔΕΗ) or other) by sending the Connection Contract to them. Sign the Offsetting Contract with your electricity provider (usually 5 days)
  5. After step 3 the PV system is installed
  6. Online submission by us of the activation application in the HEDNO electronic platform
  7. Activation of the PVsystem by the technicians of HEDNO (usually 10 days after the activation application.

No documents are required to submit the application.

Net metering terms and conditions

The basic terms and conditions to install a solar self-production system with net metering are:

  • The existence of an active permanent power supply in the name of the self-producer (not on-site)
  • The photovoltaic net metering system is exclusively matched with a consumption meter
  • The photovoltaic net-metering system is installed in the same or adjacent space as the consumption installation to which it is assigned
  • The interested party has the legal use of the installation site of the photovoltaic system.
  • The person concerned has paid their electricity bills in full (or has joined a debt settlement scheme).

Urban planning licensing of photovoltaic net-metering

The solar net-metering self-production system does not require any planning permission, it only passes if it is installed in traditional settlements or listed buildings or historical city centers.

Environmental licensing of photovoltaic net metering

In the event that the net-metering self-production photovoltaic system is installed on a building, no environmental licensing is required.

In the event that the self-generated net metering photovoltaic system is installed on land, a special environmental exemption (“certificate of exemption from Environmental Conditions Approval”) is required from the competent Region, which, according to the law, is granted within 20 days of the submission of the relevant application .
However, if it is installed on land in Natura areas or coastal zones (100m from the coastline excluding rocky islands), then, for systems with a power of up to 10 MWp, “Standard Environmental Commitments” are required.

The relevant environmental licensing is a prerequisite for the connection application to DEDDIE to be complete.

Read more about what Net Metering is by clicking here

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